Description: 15 plate, Mercedes Antos 1824, 18t GVW, Euro6, on-air, auto, air-con, heated driver seat, 5.8m wheelbase, on-air, 24ft 3in (7.39m) Long x 6ft 11in (2.1m) High body, loadlok rails, moveable bulkhead, Concertina Lanes & Moveable bulk heads can create three multi temp spaces, 28in (71cm) Wide & 67in (170cm) Wide Lanes, The Lane panels can be rotated and pushed towards the bulk head leaving one space, shutter door, non-slip floor, Dhollandia 1.5t column tail lift, full air deflector kit, Carrier Supra 1150 MT diesel unit, 3phase standby, dual evaporators, engine 12580 hours, electric standby 1695 hours.